My history
I'm Elena De Bono, a ceramist for two decades. Ingrès is the project in which I connect artistic training to the sensitivity for essential shapes, natural colors, functional uses. Each creation is unique because it emerges from the earth moved by the gesture of the hands, never identical.
The primordial call is that of the earth. The earth as a soil that supports and as a cradle that offers life. Earth in its expressive and spontaneous plasticity. The language of nature is a master in matching harmonies of colors and shapes, for me it has something enchanting.
Ingrès was created to add beauty to everyday gestures, a creative flavor to the eye, harmonies that become furnishing accessories.
It was born after long creative and pedagogical journeys in contact with people with a great soul and with heavy weights on their shoulders, who drew lymph from contact with the clay to lighten a little. It was born from the metabolism of meetings with my teachers and my students, from a variety of collaborations, exhibitions, spaces to experiment.
I have always been fascinated by the process of transforming materials, starting from the indefinite and trying to make it a desired form, with its own coherence. This collection came gradually, first sketched by thought and then gradually oriented by the heart. That's how it went, simple shapes, without edges, easy to stack, with a brushstroke that is a circle that holds everything, without opening and closing, which continues and makes me feel the movement in a cup, almost a round circle.